DIY Beeswax Wrap
It's super easy, it cuts back on your plastic waste, it's a great alternative to the cling wrap and ziplock bags. And can be washed and re-used! You only need:
1. 100% cotton fabric (the thinner, the better);
2. Beeswax;
3. A cookie sheet/ parchment paper;
4. An oven (you could use an iron, but it gets messy);
5. A clean paintbrush.
1. 100% cotton fabric (the thinner, the better);
2. Beeswax;
3. A cookie sheet/ parchment paper;
4. An oven (you could use an iron, but it gets messy);
5. A clean paintbrush.
Cut your fabric into a rectangle to fit your cookie sheet or parchment paper. Sprinkle with beeswax pellets or grated beeswax.
You don't need much beeswax, just make sure to sprinkle it evenly. Put in a pre-heated oven until the wax melts (around 5 minutes).
Spread the melted wax evenly on the fabric with the brush. Bigger flat brush works best. If you have put too much wax, you can place another fabric piece on top of the first one and spread on both. If the wax hardens before you are ready, simply put it back in the oven for a minute.
Once the wax is spread evenly, lift off the cookie sheet and hang/ hold to dry.
Now you need to cut out any fraying edges...
... and you are ready to wrap your cheese!
The wrap becomes slightly sticky when warmed in the hands, so you can fold an seal it around just about anything. You can wash the wrap with cool water (beeswax could melt in hot water), which means you cannot use the wrap on raw meats. It should be good for re-use for up to a year, and then you just re-wax it. How cool, eh?